Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sabrina: 12 month stats

Sabrina went to the doctor on Monday.  She weighs 19 lbs (25th percentile) and is 30" tall (75th percentile).  She doesn't talk still.  Lots of grunting and lots of screaming.  I thought she started to say "ma ma ma ma" last week, but then I realized it's just the noise that she makes when she's blowing spit bubbles.  Disappointing.

She is still quite hilarious.  Just now she put on a bib all by herself and went crawling around the house laughing.  She also just found the remote and changed Celia's movie to French while it was on (I don't even know how to do this).  She still doesn't walk.  But she can stand up when she's holding on to a toy.  Or Celia's stool.  She'll just grab that stool and hold it up to her head and stand up.  Impressive standing skills.  But if she has nothing in her hands, she won't stand up.  And she really doesn't care to walk because she can crawl so fast.  Sabrina is still clingy.  Sometimes she plays really well by herself, but most of the time she just wants to be held.  Since she is a constant mover, she gets really bored being held and will point and dive in the direction she wants you to take her.  The picture below is from October 1 when Sabrina found one of my tank tops and put it on like a necklace.  And the only thing she'll let us keep on/in her hair is a clip and only for a few minutes at a time (headbands and hats come off immediately).

She sleeps from about 8:30-8:30 with a 6:30AM feeding (something I don't want to give up because I'm afraid she'll just be awake then and that can't happen).  She eats everything and then throws leftovers on the floor and shakes her head because she knows she's not supposed to.  Her favorite times of day are still when Celia wakes up.  They'll play in Celia's room for 20-30 minutes in the morning while I make breakfast.  I love these little ladies!

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