Monday, February 6, 2012

Celia: First Talk in Primary

Celia has now been in Primary a total of four weeks.  And she was asked to give a talk on her fourth week.  When I told her she was giving a talk in Primary, she had only seen three other kids do it, and she frankly had no idea what I was talking about.  We talked about the topic of the talk, I asked her some questions, and wrote the talk based on the things she said.  Here was her talk:

When I choose the right, I am blessed.  Choosing the right means making good choices like sharing and being nice to my sister.  When I make good choices, there are good consequences.  I am happy and I can have the Spirit with me to help me.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

We practiced several times at home and it looked like a "go."  For the real deal, Tom helped read it to her in her ear.  She repeated nicely and reverently into the microphone.  Halfway through, she closed her eyes and folded her arms, and kept repeating the talk.  She told us later it was a "prayer talk" because it ended with Jesus.  So there you go.  Moral of the story: have Sunbeams understand what a "talk in Primary" means before asking them to be involved.  But she did very well and was very cute and very proud when she was done.  What a big girl!


theemilyray said...

Way to go Celia! What a cute memory!

Vickie said...

I noticed her closing her eyes too. It was super sweet and she did a fabulous job.

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