Sunday, November 9, 2014

Celia Art: Catch-up

Again, falling a bit behind here, but finally getting around to clearing up the stack of art from the past bit. Here are Celia's from the past little bit. I included some of her writing. The letter to Annie Barrows (author of Ivy and Bean) was written at the beginning of the summer and the letter about Halloween was written on Halloween of course. Here's her narration to what's included here (backstory or other comments where applicable in parentheses by me):

This is a letter maker. The first computer is of colors. The color you press is the color that your letter is. The second computer is the shape. If you press two shapes at a time then you get a blended-shaped letter. Like the letter coming out of the printer. The third computer is of letters. Whatever you press is what the letter says. PS - there is also a space button.  (Someone needs to get this girl a Silhouette.) 

This is a picture I made of Jesus. I think I should send it to some missionaries. (The missionaries came over and played some game with us about the steps to Eternal life with Jesus. They used sticky notes for each one of the steps including the eternal life step. Celia couldn't help herself. After they left, she replaced that sticky note with this.)

This is a picture of an 8-year-old girl getting baptized. I think I'm going to keep this one.

This is a letter I made to my mom, my dad, and my sister, Sabrina. 

This is a letter I made to Annie Barrows, the writer of Ivy and Bean books.
 This is the back of the letter. The picture is on this side. The red-haired girl is Ivy and the black-haired girl is Bean.

This is Rapunzel when she has braids in her hair. I didn't really finish this one. (This was on the back of the next one... it's the "Before" I think.)

This is Rapunzel when she paints and builds some more things to her tower. She also adds doors. She is holding Pascal. (This is after her hair is cut and she's happy and she can apparently add doors to her tower.)

This is a picture of what I call the "Super Hero Pod." The girl is named Ella and the boy with the blue mask, his name is R.J. and the boy with the green mask's name is Catarine. 

This is about me. Can you read it? After Alaska comes a period. I didn't get to put that there.

This is a Hawaiian girl collecting coconuts. The rose thing is a coconut slide. The coconuts roll down. (This is a collage if you can't tell. She cut everything and came up with the idea and put it all together.)

This was one of my Jack-o-lantern ideas but I made a different one. It had one circle eye and one rectangle eye. I named it Boo Boo.

This is a list of all the candy I got in my bucket when I went Truck-or-treating. (Celia would not eat one single piece of candy once we got home before she wrote it down... she ate quite a bit at Taylor's before she was able to come home and inventory it all, however.)

This is a comic I made called "Denali." This is how I think Denali was made. (I love this one. After our trip to Denali National Park, Celia came up with this little wonder of the tectonic plates colliding to form the mountain.)

The first picture is of a mermaid. The second picture is of a princess living in Florida. The mermaid lives in Texas. 

1 comment:

Dana said...

Love this art, Celia and Sabrina. I keep asking your Mom to send me some, but this is a great way to see it...just like an art gallery. Do you need some more collage paper?


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