Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Youth Conference 2013

This past weekend was Youth Conference.  The pictures are in reverse order and I'm too lazy to fix them.  So, anyway, this is something I've been working on for a long, long time and now that it's over, it feels like summer!  So Thursday was everyone's last day of school, so all the youth registered at the park at 4pm (I went straight from the afore mentioned preschool carnival).  They played outdoor games, took a group picture, had a devotional with the stake president, ate a BBQ, and then had the kickoff dance until 10.  On Friday, we had all the youth rotating through classes at the Church and baptisms at the temple.  They did 533+ baptisms.  It was awesome.  Then a break after lunch and a dance at the Church.  Saturday was service projects all over the city.  We drove all over and took pictures (I included several... don't those t-shirts look awesome?  Tom and I screen printed them all in our garage.  All 200 of them.  Pictures included of that as well.  We had help.).  Then a break and the youth got all fancied up, drove to a lodge on the military base (the view from the lodge is the first picture) and we had a lovely testimony meeting, dinner, and formal dance (our stake likes to dance!).  It went really well, I took a four hour nap the Sunday after it, and now I can finally relax!

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