Monday, January 31, 2011
Before the Plague: Silly Glasses
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Celia Dailies: Avoiding Naps
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Celia: Really Sick
Friday, January 28, 2011
Celia Dailies: Sick
Celia is sick. Nasty cough, runny nose, zombie eyes. Poor kid. She stopped eating her dinner on Wednesday. She told Tom she couldn't eat it because her nose was "happening."
- Last night I put a humidifier in her room. When she asked: "What's that?" this is how the rest went:
Me: It's called a humidifier. It makes steam and it will help your cough.
Celia: And my sneeze?
Me: And your sneeze.
Celia: And my laugh?
- She woke up this morning saying: "I need to put some clothes on." I went down there and she was wrapped in her blankies and her jammies were in a pile next to her. Wonder when that happened... Then she put on a t-shirt and capris and refuses to put on anything warmer because she says she's hot (even though the heat hadn't turned on yet so it was 59 in here). And yet, no fever.
- Celia's been telling me: "You're the best Mommy I know."
- She commented on Tom's sweater on Sunday: "Oh Daddy, these are the greatest pockets ever known!"
- We were out driving last weekend and we fishtailed a little on a traffic circle (Tom was driving, so we were fine) and we heard Celia from the back seat say: "that was... AWESOME!"
In BIG Celia news, she got her poopies out in the toilet TWO times on Wednesday. Her choice. She would get close and then say she needed to sit on the potty. We think it might be because we told her she could bounce and cry on the potty. So she sat there, screaming and crying and bouncing until they came out. Poor girl. But we're SO PROUD!
Sabrina, so far, has seemed to avoid the illness. Though everytime she cries, I just feed her. I'm not taking any risks.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
You know you're Alaskan when...
We didn't put ours up until just after Thanksgiving, but they are still up and on. Tom said he'd wait out the neighbors. Apparently this is more than just not wanting to put them up or take them down in the snow. A couple of years ago, the city had a "City of Lights" campaign where they ran full-page newspaper ads urging people to turn on their Christmas lights during the whole dark season. Because of energy shortages and such, the campaign died. The woman who told me this suggested a new campaign: "The LED City of Lights."
2) The best meal you've ever had was in a strip mall -
Strip mall restaurants are "the thing" up here. And they are often the best. Thanks to cousins Tami and Mark who got us a Gift Certificate and to cousins Taylor and Travis who babysat the girls, Tom and I went out to eat on Saturday night to a really nice strip mall restaurant. It was HEAVEN. We just kept ordering more food. We started with the Samosas and the Dim Sum Sampler. Then we split two bowls of soup: a chicken curry and a five-spice sweet potato. And finished off with the Rib eye steak. All of it complemented our lychee lemonade (with free refills) nicely. I don't think Tom and I have ever gorged ourselves on $70 worth of food. It was worth it and I can't wait to go back.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Celia Dailies: Getting Old
- Yesterday, frustrated with the usual holding poop in, I was trying to get to the bottom of the fear (as I always am). I said: "Celia, why do you hold these in? When the poopies say: 'Celia, I want out!' why don't you let them out?" She looked at me like I was crazy and said: "The poopies want to talk?"
- Today, she was wearing a headband (the stretchy kind. She likes to find them and put them on herself. She wears them like sweatbands.) She took it off her head, put it on her arm, and said: "Look, I have a headband hula hoop on my arm." When I told her that was silly, she said: "Yeah. Headbands are for wearing when you do something" like that explained it...
- We're redoing our bathroom downstairs (will post on this when we're done) and a few days ago, Celia was helping Tom put in the new toilet paper dispenser. Halfway through, she turned to Tom and said: "you're not making any sense!"
- Yesterday, she told me that she needed her slippers on her feet. "My feet are so, so cold. They're like Popsicles!"
- This morning, Celia was playing with her Duplo cars and tracks. The tracks were broken and she wanted me to fix them. And she said: "You're a mommy. Means you can work it!"
- Celia really is kind of obsessed with the fact that the red folding chairs are Mommy's and the black ones are Daddy's. Not sure where she got this idea. Anyway, as she always does, when I sat down in the black chair yesterday, she said: "No. no no. That's daddy's chair. You want to sit in that one. It's mommy's." When I told her that we all share, she looked at me and said: "yeah. whatever."
- Celia's really good at pretending. Any random character from any tv or movie she has seen will appear with us sometime throughout the day. I have to pay attention more when she's watching tv so I recognize the minor characters from dinosaur train when they come to play with us later that day. This morning, she was talking to a random doggie from her high chair. "Doggie. Doggie. Where are you going? Come back. Oh well!"
- I've gotten kind of addicted to buying Timbuk2 bags on clearance at REI (okay, I only bought 2 but this bags are amazing. Look them up. They're made of ballistic nylon and are made to last a million years. I digress...). The one Tom came home with for me yesterday has a tag that says: "get your chi on." I read it out loud and Celia said: "Huh. Are you getting your chi on Mommy? You getting your chi on?"
- Just now, we were talking about our family. Celia pointed to Sabrina, herself, and me and said: "1, 2, 3 girls. And we're missing a boy named Daddy."
- She frequently tells us about numbers that are flying through the air.
- When she walks backwards, she sometimes puts her arms out and says: "I going backwards. I like a dragonfly!"
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Sabrina ROLLS!
And make that a total of five times that she's rolled... she just did it right next to me while I was writing this and then smiled at me like I should be proud. So proud, Sabrina. So proud. (And now she's on her tummy and mad...)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Celia Dailies: Bigger
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Celia Dailies: Dinky
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Dear Sabrina
Sunday, January 2, 2011
2010: In Summary

Dear Friends and Family,
2010 in Alaska has been a good one. Since we've lived in Alaska over a year now, we're officially Alaska residents. This means in 2011, we can go dip-netting for salmon (with a household limit of 55 fish!) and receive the Permanent Fund Dividend (money from the oil companies... around $1200 for each of us). We've survived a winter here, so we can be referred to as "sourdoughs" and we actually loved it. The sky is always so beautiful in the winter and all the snow make the holidays so festive. March and April can get hard when Spring has hit "outside" (the term Alaskans use for the lower 48) and it's still snowing here. But, as Alaskans say: "The winters are hard, but the summers are worth it." We spent our summer camping, hiking, and exploring the awesome bike trails. In the evenings, we would take rides sometimes around town. Celia loves the bike trailer. Tom's also been bike commuting to work. He plans to commute all winter, but his studded bike tires have been on backorder for about a month now, so the biking has been put on hold until those arrive. Moose are a part of life up here. In the winter, we get them in our driveway frequently and you can see them around town. In the summer, it's less frequent, but then the bears are out (although we've only seen one). All of this is to say, I don't think we'll be leaving Alaska anytime soon.
We did take some trips outside to go to some weddings and attend a reunion with Marel's family on the coast. We also had visits from both families. Marel's family came up in March and we traveled around and saw some beautiful sites. Tom's whole family came up for a visit in the summer and we saw some glaciers.
In other news, Marel spent most of the year pregnant and miserable until October 5 when Sabrina Carys was born (2 weeks early, but not soon enough). It was a labor that lasted only an hour and twenty minutes and Sabrina came out before Marel could get any meds (and no, she won't let you forget that she had that baby naturally). Sabrina was born at 9:50 PM and weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces and was 20.75" long. Other than a miserable month-long colic stage, she really is a perfect angel. She sleeps about 13 hours every night and goes about 10 hours of that without eating. She never cries and she's very cute. Celia loves her. When Celia hears Sabrina wake up in the morning, she says: "There's my baby!"
Celia is still the joy of the house. She's smart, funny, and doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She's always giving her toys to other kids to keep the peace and when she thinks Sabrina's crying because of something she did, Celia needs more consoling than Sabrina. She's still pretty funny.
Marel is glad to not be pregnant, is trying to figure out how to get anything done with two (fabulous) kids, and started a job in July as a research consultant for a behavioral economics firm. She works during nap time and loves it.
Tom is still loving his job He just started a new schedule where he works until 4:30 for nine days and then has every-other Monday off.
So... in summary: we're healthy, happy, and loving life. We hope the same is true for you. Merry Christmas!
Love, Marel, Tom, Celia, and Sabrina Stock.