Sabrina moved to her own room last night. About time, right? Until now, it was just easier to have her in our room because we didn't wake eachother up and she was already right there when I had to feed her at 6. But the past few days she has not been sleeping well and she's hyper-aware of our presence. So, out she goes. She woke up once and put herself back to sleep within five minutes. We have all sorts of fans going downstairs so the girls didn't wake eachother up. They both did great! Hope it keeps up.
And if you're wondering why the mobile is blurry in the above picture, it's because this is Sabrina's new favorite thing to do:
She also spent most of yesterday trying to get up on her knees into crawling position. Luckily, every time she succeeded, whatever was under her hands would slide out from under her. Too early to crawl... she just sat up. The sitting-up-not-crawling stage is the greatest.
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